Civil War Original Period Items

CIVIL War Confederate Virginia Manufactory Cavalry Sword 3rd Virg Reg Gettysburg

CIVIL War Confederate Virginia Manufactory Cavalry Sword 3rd Virg Reg Gettysburg
CIVIL War Confederate Virginia Manufactory Cavalry Sword 3rd Virg Reg Gettysburg
CIVIL War Confederate Virginia Manufactory Cavalry Sword 3rd Virg Reg Gettysburg
CIVIL War Confederate Virginia Manufactory Cavalry Sword 3rd Virg Reg Gettysburg
CIVIL War Confederate Virginia Manufactory Cavalry Sword 3rd Virg Reg Gettysburg
CIVIL War Confederate Virginia Manufactory Cavalry Sword 3rd Virg Reg Gettysburg
CIVIL War Confederate Virginia Manufactory Cavalry Sword 3rd Virg Reg Gettysburg
CIVIL War Confederate Virginia Manufactory Cavalry Sword 3rd Virg Reg Gettysburg
CIVIL War Confederate Virginia Manufactory Cavalry Sword 3rd Virg Reg Gettysburg
CIVIL War Confederate Virginia Manufactory Cavalry Sword 3rd Virg Reg Gettysburg
CIVIL War Confederate Virginia Manufactory Cavalry Sword 3rd Virg Reg Gettysburg

CIVIL War Confederate Virginia Manufactory Cavalry Sword 3rd Virg Reg Gettysburg


The regiment was accepted into Confederate service under the command of Colonel Roger A. Pryor, Lieutenant Colonel Fletcher Archer, and Major Joseph Mayo. Company A - "Dismal Swamp Rangers" - Captain James C. Choate Company B - "Virginia Riflemen" - Captain Alonzo B. Jordan Company C - "Dinwiddle Greys" - Captain John C.

Griffin Company D - "Southampton Greys" - Captain William H. Hood Company E - "Cockade Rifles" - Captain James V. Scott Company F - "Nansemond Rangers" - Captain William J. Arthur Company G - Rough & Ready Guards - Captain Ruben P.

Clements Company H - "National Light Infantry Greys" - Captain John E. Deans Company I - "Surry Light Artillery" - Captain Thomas W. Ruffin Company K - "James River Artillery" - Captain Alexander D. Assigned to the Department of Norfolk. Major Mayo was promoted to lieutenant colonel and Captain Joseph V.

Scott of Company E was promoted to major. Assigned to Colston's Brigade, Department of Norfolk.

Assigned to Colston's Brigade, Longstreet's Division, Army of Northern Virginia. Colonel Pryor was promoted to brigadier general.

The regiment was assigned to Pryor's Brigade, Longstreet's Division, Army of Northern Virginia. Reorganized with a strength of 550 men. Lieutenant Colonel Mayo was elected colonel, Major Scott to lieutenant colonel and Captain Alexander D. Assigned to Pryor's Brigade, Longstreet's Division, Army of Northern Virginia. The regiment suffered 97 casualties. Colonel Scott rose from his sickbed to lead the regiment and was killed. Assigned to Pryor's Brigade, Wilcox's Division, Longstreet's Command, Army of Northern Virginia. Second Manassas (Second Bull Run). The regiment was commanded by Captain Charles F. Class of 1860, and captured two guns of McGilvery's Maine Battery. Assigned to Pryor's Brigade, Anderson's Division, Longstreet's Command, Army of Northern Virginia.

Commanded by Colonel Joseph Mayo. The regiment was in reserve in Piper's Lane and advanced toward the Sunken Road when the Confederate line there began to collapse. Colonel Mayo was wounded and Captain Charles F.

Urquart, who was leading the regiment, colors in hand, was killed. Major Callcote was promoted to lieutenant colonel and Captain William H. Pryor was promoted to major. Assigned to Pryor's Brigade, Pickett's Division, Longstreet's Command, Army of Northern Virginia. Transferred to Kemper's Brigade, Pickett's Division, 1st Corps, Army of Northern Virginia.

The regiment lost 11 casualties. Pickett's Division was temporarily transferred to the Department of Southern Virginia for Longstreet's Suffolk Campaign. Too late for the Chancellorsville campaign. The regiment was commanded by Colonel Joseph Mayo and brought 332 men to the field. It took part in Pickett's charge on the right flank of the attacking column, taking heavy casualties from the flanking fire of the Vermont Brigade.

The regiment lost 30 men killed, 41 wounded, and 57 missing or captured. Casualties among the officers were extremely heavy.

Lieutenant Colonel Callcote, Captain Crawley Phillips, and Lieutenants Patrick Arthur, George Mitchell and Fenton Wrenn were killed. Lieutenants John Arthur and Robert Gut were mortally wounded. Captains Thomas Hodges and Richard Tuck and Lieutenants Solomon Birdsong, James Brown and Oceloa White were wounded. Lieutenants Azra Gomer, Thomas Jackson and Paul Tuck were wounded and captured. Captain John Whitehead and Lieutenants Fielding Cage, Samuel Drewry, Samuel Gary, Thomas Gleason and William White were captured.

Mayo was left at the field hospital when the army retreated and was captured on July 5. From the monument to Kemper's Brigade.

Arrived about sunset and bivouacked on the western border of Spangler's Woods. In the forenoon formed line in the field east of the woods with right flank near Spangler's Barn. At the close of the cannonade advanced and took part in Longstreet's assault upon the Union position in the vicinity of the Angle.

Exposed to a severe fire of artillery and vigorously assailed beyond the Emmitsburg Road by infantry on the right flank with ranks thinned and much disorganized by its losses especially of officers it pressed on against the Union line at the stone wall where after a fierce encounter the struggle ended. Kemper fell wounded in front of the stone wall. Spent the day in reorganization and during the night began the march to Hagerstown.

Escorted prisoners back to Virginia. Assigned to Kemper's Brigade, Department of Richmond.
CIVIL War Confederate Virginia Manufactory Cavalry Sword 3rd Virg Reg Gettysburg